Friday, January 9, 2015

Audi’s self-driving car takes a road trip

Find out what it feels like to drive Audi’s latest autonomous vehicle, a prototype designed for highway driving, on a "hands-free" road trip from Palo Alto, California to Las Vegas.

The author says that if the A7, nicknamed Jack, wasn’t advertising "Audi piloted driving" on its side, you’d never know. All the gadgetry that keeps it centered in its lane at precisely the speed you select is discretely incorporated into the car. It involves six radars, three cameras, and two light detection and ranging (LIDAR) units.

The computers that allow the car to analyze the road, choose the optimal path and stick to it fit neatly in the trunk. He says the ride is remarkably smooth, maintaining a safe following distance, making smooth lane changes, and politely moving to the left to pass slower vehicles controlled by carbon-based life forms.

For more of the Wired story:

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