Friday, May 25, 2012

Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles approve green ship program

The Harbor Commission on Monday voted to introduce an incentive program to decrease air pollution at the Port of Long Beach, by enticing shipping companies to use greener ships.

The program, a year in the making at Long Beach and Los Angeles ports, will reward users of vessels with Tier 2 engines, produced after 2011, and the upcoming Tier 3 engines, to be on the market in 2016. Tier 2 and Tier 3 engines are based on lower emissions standards established by the International Maritime Organization.

Ships with Tier 2 engines would be rewarded with $2,500 per call and Tier 3 engine users would receive $6,000 per call.

The program is the latest in a series of efforts to implement greener methods at the ports.

For more of the Contra Costa Times story:



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